Math problem solver template for Google Sheets (Algebra, Fractions, Quadratic, & more)

A resource that provides a very useful math problem solving template for Google Sheets, which makes solving math problems very easy

You probably know that math can be done in a spreadsheet, but this Google Sheets template makes solving math problems incredibly easy.

All you have to do is simply enter the values into the appropriate cells, and the math solver will calculate the answer for you without you having to type any formulas.

The math problem solver template solves a very wide variety of math problems, from basic to more advanced mathematics. The template allows you to rapidly solve math problems, making it easy to enter new numbers into the cells so that the spreadsheet instantly solves the problems without having to worry about formulas.

Get the Google Sheets math problem solver template

If you want to learn how to create mathematical formulas yourself, check out my lesson on how to do math in Google Sheets.

Or if you want to test your skills and have math problems automatically generated, check out the math worksheets template.

An example of the basic math tab in the Google Sheets math problem solver template

There are lots of different types of math problems that this template will solve, which are all listed and described below in detail.

Here is a list of the tabs in the template, each of which represents general type of math problem that the template can solve.

  • Basic math
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages
  • Algebra
  • Quadratic equations
  • Geometry

This template is an incredible tool for both students and teachers. Whether you are doing homework or grading math papers, this will make your job much easier.

(Please make sure that you understand how to do the math problem on your own before using this template to do homework)

Cells that should not be edited in this template will display a warning if you try to edit them.

The light blue cells are the only cells that should be edited.

Get your copy of the Google Sheets math problem solver template

How to use the math problem solver template

  1. Click on the link to the template, and then click "Use Template" in the upper right corner of your screen. This will make a copy of the math problem solver template for you.
  2. Simply enter the input values (the numbers that you want to calculate / perform math on) into the designated cells for each type of math problem (the light blue cells)
  3. After entering your initial values, the template will calculate the answer and display it in the dark grey cells to the right of the input values for each problem

Basic math tab

The first tab in the tracker will allow you to do simple math problems, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

(The basic math tab is shown at the top of this page)

Here is a full list of the types of problems that the basic math tab can solve:

  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Multiply
  • Divide
  • Square
  • Square root
  • Cube
  • Cube root
  • X to the Nth power
  • X to the Nth root

Fractions, Decimals, Percentages tab

There are a lot of useful tools on this tab, especially for solving problems with fractions.

The left side of this sheet will help you convert between decimals, fractions, and percentages.

The right side of the sheet will help you perform mathematical problems with percentages and fractions. (Math with decimals can be done on the “Basic Math” tab)

Here is a full list of math problem types that this tab will solve:

  • Fraction to percent
  • Fraction to decimal
  • Decimal to fraction
  • Decimal to percent
  • Percent to fraction
  • Percent to decimal
  • Reduce fractions
  • Greatest common factor
  • Lowest common multiple
  • Add fractions
  • Subtract fractions
  • Multiply fractions
  • Divide fractions
  • Square fractions
  • Fractions to the Nth power
  • Add percentages
  • Subtract percentages
  • Multiply percentages
  • Divide percentages
An example of the fractions, decimals, and percentages tab in the Google Sheets math problem solver template

This tab will make it very easy to solve math problems that deal with decimals, percentages, and fractions!

Algebra tab

The algebra tab can solve multiple types of algebra problems.

The left side of the tab will allow you to solve algebra problems that deal with circles and lines on a graph.

The right side of the tab will allow you to solve linear algebra problems, and it also has a place where you can solve a cross multiplication problem.

Here is a full list of the types of math problems that the algebra tab can solve:

  • Find the radius of a circle, given center and point
  • Find the radius of a circle, given an equation
  • Find the center of a circle, given an equation
  • Find the Y-Intercept of a line, given the slope and a point
  • Find the Y-Intercept of a line, given two points
  • Find the midpoint of a line, given two points
  • Find the slope of a line, given two points
  • Find the distance of a line, given two points
  • Solve for X in a linear equation
  • Solve for X in a cross multiplication problem
An example of the algebra tab in the Google Sheets math problem solver template

This template / this content was originally created and written by

Quadratic tab

This tab is dedicated completely to solving quadratic equations / problems, and will make it much easier for you to get the answers that you need when solving quadratics.

Here are the answers that this tab will give you for quadratic equations:

  • X Vertex
  • Y Vertex
  • Discriminant
  • Number of solutions
  • Solution(s) (Where parabola touches X axis, i.e. X=2 and X=-2)
  • Factors

Note that although the template shows the solution for any valid quadratic problem (without imaginary answers), it will only display the factors for quadratic equations if they have an “A” value of 1.

An example of the quadratic tab in the Google Sheets math solver template

Geometry tab

The geometry tab has lots of useful automatic calculations that help you solve problems with rectangles, triangles, and circles.

Here is a list of the types of problems that the geometry tab will solve:

  • Perimeter of a rectangle, given length and width
  • Area of a rectangle, given length and width
  • Rectangular pyramid volume, given length, width, and height
  • Rectangular prism volume, given length, width, and height
  • Triangle area, given height and base
  • Triangular pyramid volume, given height, base, and pyramid height
  • Hypotenuse (C), given A and B of a right triangle
  • Perimeter of a triangle, given A and B of a right triangle
  • Area of a triangle, given A and B of a right triangle
  • Triangular pyramid volume, given A and B of a right triangle, and pyramid height
  • Short side (A or B), given hypotenuse and short side (A or B) of a right triangle
  • Area of a triangle, given hypotenuse and short side (A or B) of a right triangle
  • Perimeter of a triangle, given hypotenuse and short side (A or B) of a right triangle
  • Triangular pyramid volume, given hypotenuse and short side (A or B) of a right triangle, and pyramid height
  • Perimeter of a triangle, given 3 sides
  • Area of ANY triangle, given 3 sides
  • Triangular pyramid volume, given 3 sides of ANY triangle, and pyramid height
  • Radius of a circle, given diameter OR circumference OR area
  • Diameter of a circle, given radius OR circumference OR area
  • Circumference of a circle, given radius OR diameter OR area
  • Area of a circle, given radius OR diameter OR circumference
  • Sphere volume, given radius OR diameter OR circumference OR area
An example of the geometry tab in the Google Sheets math problem solver template | Template and content created by

I hope you enjoy this template, and more importantly I hope it makes solving math problems much easier for you!

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